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Granite Countertop Templating Process

If you are wondering how long it will take for the countertop company to build templates for your kitchen cabinets it depends upon the size of the kitchen and the degree of the cabinetry’s customization. The templating process generally takes a while because the granite countertop manufactures do not want to have any mistakes during this stage of the manufacturing process.

I recently was on the job the entire time when the worker came to build the templates for three vanity counters and one set of kitchen tops. He was on the job site for close to six hours.

Here’s a great video explaining how to template for Granite countertops.

Materials and Tools -Template Granite Countertops

Basically the only tools that you will need for making the granite templates are a good pair of snips, an extension cord and a hot melt glue gun.

The necessary materials required for templating for countertops are ¼” thick strips of luan plywood and card board. The cardboard is used whereever there are overhang areas such as raised bar countertop overhangs and the strips of plywood get fastened together along the walls and in the front of the countertop.

You can use the same template building process of solid surface counters such as Corian. Templating for granite takes time because there must not be any room for mistakes. So if you have scheduled for a worker to come to your home and build a template for your tops make sure you have allotted sufficient time for him or her to carry out the process in an accurate way.

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