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One Side of Cabinet Drawer Hits Before the Other

August 14th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

How can you fix a cabinet drawer when one side hits and the other one does not. This usually happens when the cabinet is racked because the installer did not take the proper amount of time to install the kitchen or bathroom cabinetry plumb, level and square. When the box has a twist in it there is no way that the drawer, which was originally manufactured square and installed correctly in the cabinet, can close properly. So how do you adjust a kitchen cabinet drawer that is not clos8ing properly? There are a couple of solutions to this problem.

Placing a Shim Between the Drawer and the Front
On the opposite side of where the drawer front is hitting the cabinet’s face first, loosen the screws that are holding the front onto the actual drawer box. Next, insert a small shim between the decorative face and the drawer box. Now, re-tighten the screws. This should take care of the problem. You may have to perform this alteration several times before you get it perfect.

Adding a Shim Behind the Drawer Slide
It is possible to add a shim between the drawer slide and the inside of the cabinet box if there is enough play or slop between the inside measurement of the cabinet and the drawer size. Depending upon what is out of whack when you are closing the drawer, the shim can either be added to the front area or rear of where the cabinet slide meets the inside of the kitchen or bathroom vanity cupboard.

Sometimes this will create a scraping sound if the drawer is not small enough for the additional shim spacer to be added. If friction occurs after the alteration is made, this is not an acceptable fix for this type off problem. You will have to try something else.
Those are the two most popular methods of repairing or fixing a cabinet drawer that are not closing properly.

Whenever you have European cabinetry, the drawer faces must rest tight against the cabinet’s fronts. If they do not, the kitchen area is not going to look correct. Because the decorative fronts are so close to one another, if one side of the drawer is touching the cabinet face before the other the faces are not going to look flush and even.

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