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Maple Kitchen Cabinet Wood Doors-Various Styles

August 27th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Having manufactured hundreds of maple wood door kitchens, I know there are many styles, designs and colors that this select material will conform to. Cherry stains and paints can be applied to this species of tight grained hardwood to transform it from its natural beauty into a replica of many other wood types.

maple cabinet door Maple Kitchen Cabinet Wood Doors Various Styles

Maple Cabinet Door

During the late eighties and throughout the nineties pickled finishes where popular choices that homeowners were using in their kitchen cabinet designs. The application of a white stain onto the maple doors would transform the natural tan color into beautiful shades of pink and white. The intensity of the pink color was-(read the rest) dependent upon the stain’s white pigment concentration and how many coats where applied.

Popular Maple Kitchen Cabinet Door Finishes

Many of the cheery wood-framed kitchen, office and bathroom vanity doors that we see are actually cherry wood simulations. You guessed it; hard maple wood doors can be stained to look almost identical to the high-end species of wood. When a select grade of maple is used, the possibility of having a gorgeous set of cabinets is beyond measure.

Hard maple has a very smooth surface, with the grain of the wood being very tight. This is why it is commonly used for solid color- painted- kitchen cabinet wood doors. Professional cabinet or furniture finishers can achieve near perfect results if the colors are applied properly in the correct environment.

This is such a versatile wood to work with. Literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of various styles of doors have been created and continue to evolve. In the cabinet industry the sky really is the limit when it comes to designing a kitchen, office or bathroom vanity using the select hardwood maple species of wood. Combined with a professional finisher’s creativity, unique designs can set your kitchen cabinetry design apart from the norm.

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