Do it Yourself Cabinet Making Ideas
If you are planning a do it yourself project that involves cabinet making my ideas will be greatly beneficial. You will be learning these building tips from a twenty seven year veteran of the cabinet manufacturing industry. The fine art of constructing cupboards is going to require that you work with a sharp pencil. Get rid of those fat framing carpenter marking tools and get ready to work with some fine point lead. This is precision work we are doing here. Some measurements will need to be to 1/32” in order for things to work smoothly.
Suggestions For Building Cabinets
First off let me suggest that you choose to build a true European cabinet design for this do it yourself kitchen or bathroom vanity project. In the long run you will save money on cabinet materials and the construction of the boxes will require less manufacturing tools and skills to complete the DYI job. The reason for this is because the boxes are frameless. You will not need to manufacture the time consuming face-frames for the boxes if you make a true European style cabinet.
Secondly, I would not manufacture my own doors. There are literally thousands of cabinet door manufactures who can save you the headaches of trying to make do-it-yourself cabinet doors out of your garage cabinet shop.
Third, use door panels for the finished sides of the cupboards. This will eliminate a lot of veneer work and also give your do-it-yourself kitchen cupboards project a real professional appearance when everything is complete. Just make sure that you calculate (or, “allow”) for the side panels when you are making your drawings or templating for countertops.
My forth do-it-yourself cabinet making tip is making sure that you double or even triple check everything that you are doing. You must make a plan or drawing first to work off of. Take the time to make sure that nothing is wrong with the plan. The old saying; “haste makes waste” is very true. When you make your cutting lists double check them. When you cut your parts put a tape measure on every piece to make sure that it’s going to work. Never build anything without first making sure that all of the parts are correct.
Number five on the list of ideas for making cabinets is to make sure that all of the parts are square. If you don’t take the time to make sure that they are then your do it yourself cabinet building project could turn out to be a disaster. Once your cupboards are built with out of square parts there’s really no way to make perfectly square doors work on out of square cupboards.
Obviously this is just an introduction for the do-it-yourself cabinet making enthusiast. It’s going to take reading books on the subject or even watching videos about how to manufacture cabinets before you are ready to take on the project of making your own kitchen or bathroom vanity cabinets. Having the proper tools and possessing some intermediate carpentry skills are going to be required in order for you to succeed at this do it yourself kitchen building job. There are thousands of ideas for cupboard designs, but the beginner should not get too deep into custom fabrication, unless you have an endless amount of time to make these cabinets.
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