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Creating a Properly Balanced Kitchen Cabinet Design

January 13th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments
balanced kitchen design 300x174 Creating a Properly Balanced Kitchen Cabinet Design

www.LegendaryCabinetry.com Arlington Display

Isn’t this a gorgeous kitchen cabinet design? Creating proper balance and symmetry really makes a world of difference when you are creating the layout for your cupboards. This is by far one of the finest cupboard designs I have seen in a long time. The only thing missing here is the refrigerator. When cabinets are properly designed they are very pleasing tot he eye. On short glance and people will gasp when they enter this room if the arrangement is done correctly. This photo is originally from Legendary Cabinetry

Notice how the island base cabinet arrangement is perfectly centered with the oven cabinet. Also the upper cabinetry to the right and left of the oven cabinet are all uniform in size from the left side to the right side.

Even the spacing between the doors, over the oven, are close to being identical to the margin just above the oven. It is these kinds of small details which really add balance to kitchen cabinet designs. If the appliances frame appearance had a large space of about four inches, it would not have looked nearly as good as it does.

Just as a side not, the small amount of ivy decorating the top of the upper cabinet is perfectly balanced for this kitchen cabinet design. Anything more than this arrangement would take away from the beauty of these glazed antique white raised panel cupboards.

Something to take note of is that the vertical and horizontal lines on the cabinets are the only pronounced lines in the entire room. This adds to the perfect balance of this room. If there had been noticeable tile lines, or wall paper stripes this kitchen design would not look nearly as beautiful as it does.

Creating the perfect look for a kitchen is going to take time and effort. Obviously this is not a small house. In fact, the kitchen is almost the size of some apartments I’ve lived in during my life. Not everyone is going to have the luxury of designing such a large area for the kitchen cabinets to be in. Just remember to avoid getting things too busy with lines going in all different directions. Try not to have large filler areas on the face of the cupboards. Accent areas like the top of upper cabinets mildly with plants or dishes. Try and achieve a clean balanced look with everything in the room.

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