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Advantages of Plywood Cabinets

March 13th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

If you are wondering if the advantages of Plywood cabinets are worth the additional expense consider reading about the disadvantages of using particle board on cupboards. The biggest benefit of using this material is that you will not have to worry about getting water damage to the actual cabinet.

Please understand that just because you are using a material that will not be affected if it gets wet, there’s still the possibility of having mold damaged cabinets. Large amounts of flooding or exposure to the water can cause the liquid to seep through the cracks and go underneath the cabinets. So, with this in mind the material is not all that it is made out to be.

On many occasions, I have torn out sink cabinet bottoms that were made out of plywood and killed mold growing underneath the box. Usually when a sink bottom has to be removed it gets torn to pieces. Most of the time, I just cut the thing in half using a jig saw to get it out and then plan on replacing it with a new piece of ply-wood.

However, there are still advantages to using this material. It should always be used on the toe bases of your cabinets, the sink bottoms and the backsplash areas. These are the places that are exposed to continual amounts of water. Particleboard should never be used in any of the spots that I just mentioned.

It really only costs about an additional thirty to forty dollars for materials to use plywood or pine where possible on your cabinets.

If you are planning on staying in your home for a long time and not replacing the cabinets then you would be wise to benefit from the advantages of using plywood in your kitchen or bathroom vanity design.

Most custom cabinet manufactures will make what ever areas that you desire out of plywood. This is an obvious advantage to using a custom shop rather than a place like Home Depot or Lowe’s for purchasing cabinets.

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