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Should I Wallpaper Before Cabinets

This is a question that gets asked all of the time. Customers don’t like the idea of having to trim around cupboards so they want to know if they can wallpaper before the cabinets get installed. Absolutely not is the common answer. Why would anyone think that their wallpaper would be safe when a cabinet installer is trying to attach a 100lb cabinet to the wall four and a seven feet in the air?

Is it OK to Paint Before Cabinets

I would rather that customers did not paint the walls before the kitchen cabinets get installed. It is OK to have the texture on the walls and one or two coats of paint. The final top coat should not be put on prior to the cabinetry being installed though. It’s not that difficult to apply the final application after the cupboards are up. Cabinet installers have enough troubles to deal with without having to worry about whether or not they are going to scratch the walls. Besides what if they make a mistake and drill holes in the wrong place or something and there has to be patch work done on the walls?

Can I Have the Appliances Delivered Before the Cabinets are Installed?

It is not normal procedure to have the appliances delivered before the cabinets are installed. You can have them put in the garage if you plan on doing the installation on your own. Generally, the appliance supply company will install the refrigerator, the microwave hood cabinet and slide-in free standing range. Oftentimes they will level the dishwasher and slide it into place. With the dishwasher, the plumber is the one who will do the final install on the unit.

These are some common questions that many customers have asked before getting their cabinets installed. If you decide to paint the walls let them dry for a couple of days before the installer gets there to put the kitchen cabinets in. Do not set the appliances in the kitchen if they get delivered before the cupboard installer gets there. If you don’t like the idea of having to wallpaper after the kitchen or vanities are installed then hire a professional.

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