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Slide or Drop In Range Cabinet Installation

When you are preparing to install cabinets that will have a slide in range, it’s important to get the dimensions right. Many instructions manuals will suggest that you check with the manufacture of the appliance to verify the correct installation measurements. These suggestions are made for a reason. So, do not ignore following through with the guidelines that come with the drop-in ranges instructional booklet.

A Few Popular Slide-In Range Brands Names

  • Frigidaire
  • kitchen Aid
  • Jenn Air
  • Ammana
  • Kenmore
  • Whirlpool

Setting The Cabinets

I always start by cutting a piece of wood to use as a spacer, which is the exact dimension that the slide-in range installation instructions offer for the width of the opening. Actually, I cut two boards the width of the suggested opening, one for the top and bottom. Oftentimes, I will make the separator sticks so that they can be screwed into place. This is really helpful when you’re dealing with crooked walls and floors.

Consider the Flooring’s Thickness

It’s important to account for the floor thickness when you are installing the cabinetry around the range area. For instance, if you are getting real hardwood floors, you may have to raise all of your cabinetry by an inch. If you are installing tile, you may need to shim the boxes up three eights to three quarters of an inch. Make sure to check with the flooring company or installer to confirm what measurement should be allowed for.

Notching Countertops

Some slide-in or drop-in ranges will require that the countertop gets a notch in it, under any circumstance. Other brands may only require that a notch be made in the countertops if the overhang of the counter, from the cabinets frame, is not to the exact specifications that the slide in range instructions suggested.

Installing a Filler Behind The Slide-In Range

Almost every appliance manufacture has designed the drop-in range with a lip on the backside. This rim needs to fit over a filler piece of countertop material. The distances can be as little as two inches up to four, depending upon the brand of the drop-in range.
There is no set way of attaching the filler between the two countertops. Most models will have an optional trim piece that can be purchased for this area. The downside to purchasing one is that it will not match your countertop.

Drop-in range styles will always cost more than free standing models, but the additional cost is worth it, if you can afford the additional investment.

The installation of the free standing range is much simpler than the slide-in. You basically just have to set the countertop and cabinet at thirty inches in width and you’re done

Installing cabinets correctly that will have a slide-in range between them is a matter of following the instructions to the tee. As previously mentioned, make sure that you have the correct dimensions because all appliances manufactures suggest that you verify the proper installation measurements to use. Trust me the phone call you have to make, in order to verify the correct installation dimensions, could save you a lot of headaches. Don’t leave this step of the installation out.

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Categories: Installation Tips
  1. Ken C
    October 15th, 2009 at 19:36 | #1

    I have a Kenmore Electric Drop-in smooth-top range. It requires that I router out a 1/4 deep 1 1/4 inch wide lip all around the cutout. Doing this sets the ceramic top at the same level as the counter top. They also specify that I make the router opening 1/4 inch wider than the top is.

    I have a 31 1/4′ wide top and the cut is specified as 31 1/2 inch EXACT! What is the 1/8 inch gap for? I have a firmica counter top and this will leave a 1/8 inch scare exposing the partical board core. What do I use to dress this up? How to I seal this and make a water tight seal between the range top and counter top core?

    I have been in touch with many representitives from the Manf and seller, no one has answers to these questions. I am wondering if I could screte some neoprene into the partical board core and fill the 1/8 inch gap with it as well. I am inclined to ignore the EXACT 31 1/2 inch cut and make it fit 31 1/4 inches exactly.

    What is the correct way of installing this typ of range?

    Thank you.

  2. admin
    April 15th, 2010 at 06:59 | #2

    Ken, without having my hand in the design and installation of this range, I cannot accurately advice you. It’s best to find a local appliance company that has the range installed in a kitchen display area. This will allow you to physically see how the installation was done. Also an appliance sales representative can advise you on the correct steps to achieving success in this situation.

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