Bathroom Cabinet Countertops Cost-Marble Formica or Granite With Sinks
One of the things that some people do not consider when they are shopping for bathroom vanity countertops is the cost of the sink. This is something that needs to be considered if you are working on a middle class income. Cultured marble tops generally have the sinks molded into the tops form already. Of the three, granite, Formica or cultured marble having the sink already formed into the top, which one is a less expensive route to take.
Obviously, there really is no comparison with the cost of a granite countertop in relation to a plastic laminate Formica counter. The granite top is generally going to cost more unless you find a steel of a deal at Home Depot or from a stone countertop manufacture.
Sometimes by getting on the phone and calling around town to local top suppliers, a defective one can be found for a great price. The biggest disadvantage to this is that you have to work with the design and make your cabinets fit the top.
Here’s the countertop cost breakdown
1) Plastic laminate tops with sinks are more expensive than cultured marble ones with a sink. This calculation takes into consideration the costs associated with hiring a plumber to install the sink into the Formica top.
2) The cost of granite with a sink is going to be more than Formica or cultured marble.
Bathroom vanity tops come in many selections and price ranges. What the final cost turns out to be will be directly related to the cost of the sinks and hiring a professional plumber to install them.
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Thanks for the information good to read your post before I will buy my marble countertops for my sink. God Bless you!