Cabinet Shop Safety Inspections by The Fire Department
It really all depends upon where you live as to whether or not a safety inspection will be done on your cabinet shop by the fire department. In our county you must pass an inspection, but in the city limits it’s not necessary. Every city/county in various states is going to have a different policy regarding this issue.
Here’s how it went when I first opened a cabinet shop in the county of the city where our business was located, in Florida. The first thing I did is called the fire department and spoke with someone who understood what the inspectors would be looking for. Once I did that everything else was simple, I just followed the instructions.
Fire Inspection Requirements for Our Cabinet Shop
1) No Isle way could be less than three feet wide.
2) All flammable liquids needed to be housed inside of a fire-proof or metal container.
3) A spray booth was required if we would be spraying flammable contact glue or lacquered paints.
4) All walls had to be free from dust build-up.
5) Three fire extinguishers were required for the size warehouse we were in. They also had to be inspected regularly by the fire department.
6) All new electrical wiring had to be done by a certified/licensed and insured electrician.
We passed every inspection that we ever had to endure with the local fire department in our shop. By keeping isle ways open, fire extinguishers charged and all flammable liquids in the correct type of cabinet we have always passed the tests with flying colors. We never did have a spray booth though. The reason is because we used a non-flammable contact adhesive in our sprayers.
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