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Hanging Ceiling Fan Near a Kitchen Upper Cabinet

October 11th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

A word of caution for anyone who is going to be hanging ceiling fan in the kitchen around an upper cabinet, make sure the blades will not hit the cabinet door when it is open. You may think I am kidding, but this is the honest to goodness truth, I’ve seen several installations that the homeowners did themselves where they placed the electrical junction box for the ceiling fan way too close to the cupboards and whack. Read

This can be very distressing to the cupboards so avoid having the ceiling fan in a position where it will hit the upper cabinet doors.

Once you have made the mistake, it will be too late for a simple fix. You’re going to have to remove the fan and either move it into a different place in the kitchen or take it down all together. If you move it a ceiling repair will be in order.

If you decide to eliminate the fan because it’s too much trouble to rewire everything and do a ceiling patch, then just use a blank electrical cover over the old junction box area.

If you have already made the mistake of mounting the ceiling fan too close to the cabinet, then you may be able to live with it. Just remember that you cannot open the door while the fan is on. I have seen several people live like this because they really needed the extra air circulation in the kitchen area.

I would not recommend in any way at all leaving the fan up if you are renting the house, apartment, or condominium to anyone. You know how renters are; most of them really don’t take very good care of rental houses. Please just take the fan down and don’t even chance it.

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