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Easy Way To Hang Large Cabinet Doors Alone

December 28th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

There is an easy way to hang your large kitchen, office or bathroom vanity cabinet door alone. The materials and tools that you are going to are a small piece of wood about six inches by six inches square and some for of clam will be needed. Spring clams will not be strong enough. You are going to need to use a C-clamp, Vice Grip clamp or similar style tool.

Method for hanging a large cabinet door by yourself

1) Clamp the six inch square board onto the underside of the cabinet bottom in the corner where the door will be hung.
2) Rest the kitchen cabinet door on the support board and steady it with one hand.
3) Align it into perfect position and screw it fast to the cabinetry face or side.

  • Tip for hanging large cabinet doors: Make sure that you have your electric drill and screws in a close position so you can easily grab them when you have the door in perfect position to hang on the cabinet.

I have hung many large cabinet doors without using the board clamping method described above by using European clip hinges. When this type of hinge is used you can install the hinge plate on the cabinet first and then just clip the hinge (already attached to the door) onto the plate. Sometimes with large doors, it might be a good idea to use a board underneath clamped to the cabinet.

Hanging cabinet doors alone is a tedious process that should be done by taking your time. Hast always makes waste. Allow plenty of time to make all of your cabinet doors individually hang in perfect position. Large kitchen cabinet doors when dropped can cause expensive repair costs to cabinets, flooring and to the door itself. Be careful and take your time. The job will get completed weather you hurry or not.

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