Plastic Laminate Countertop Recovering Instructions
If you have an old plastic laminate countertop that you want learn recovering techniques for, these instructions will get you going in the right direction. Just like painting, counters that are going to be relaminated need to be prepped properly. Along with the correct preparation, you must use the proper Formica resurfacing contact glue for your kitchen or bathroom top.
Before you do anything, the first thing I would recommend is finding someone knowledgeable about this Formica resurfacing process to help you with the counter top recovering job. I can only give you a few pointers in this article.
Basic steps to follow for re-laminating a kitchen counter
1) Measure your kitchen countertops and determine how much material you will need. Order your plastic laminate from a local kitchen cabinet parts supply company.
2) Cut the laminate with the proper tool. Please refer to this article on tools used for cutting kitchen plastic laminate. When cutting the laminate always cut it an inch oversize.
3) Before recovering your kitchen top it must be cleaned. Use lacquer thinner to wipe the top down really well in order to remove grease and grime.
4) Sand every inch of the top using forty grit sand paper. You can use a belt sander and a hand block sander to accomplish successfully.
5) Laminate the edges first by applying the contact glue to the top’s edges and the plastic laminate. Once the glue is dry stick the edge laminate to the top. Roll it good with a laminate roller and route the Formica. Block-sand and file where necessary. Refer to this video demonstrating for how to file Formica plastic laminate.
6) Next, fit the actual top-surface laminate to the contour of the back splash because where the laminate edge meets the splash may be curved in several places. Do this with either tin snips or a belt sander so that there is a nice tight fit.
7) Recovering the countertop is next. Apply glue to the Formica and the top and then allow it to dry. Using wooden dowels that are 3/8” thick and 30” to 36” long, lay the dowels on the surface of the top when the glue is dried just prior to sticking the laminate. These dowels should be spaced about 10” to 12” apart. Lay the Formcia on-top of the dowel rods and arrange it into perfect position. Remove the dowels one at a time and press the plastic laminate down to the countertop. Roll the Formica really well with your laminate roller after all of the wooden dowels have been removed.
8) Apply wax to the edge where the router bearing or pilot will ride prior to trimming with the router. File the laminate.
9) Next recover the face of the backsplashes using the same techniques of gluing, rolling, routing and filing. Then glue the cap mica on the splash and roll, trim and file.
10) Clean all areas well with lacquer thinner to remove any access glue.
These are only the basic steps used for recovering plastic laminate countertops. In order to learn all of the tricks you will need to get an experiences countertop recovering expert to help you. There are just too many things to explain on this subject. I mean I’ve been resurfacing countertops for twenty five years, there’s no way that I can give you every little detail. If you have doubts about trying to accomplish this task and you do not know anyone that can help you, hire an experienced professional Formica countertop re-laminating specialist to get the job done correctly.
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