Refrigerator Opening Size Installing Cabinets
IMPORTANT! Don’t get the refrigerator opening too small when you are installing your cabinets. Even though the space-size may appear to be large enough, some appliance doors will scrape against the wall if there’s not enough room. Much of this is determined by how the electric ice-box is designed. Although the unit may only be thirty five and three quarters inches wide, when the door is closed, it may require thirty six and a half inches of clearance when opening the door.
We have always allowed no less than thirty seven and a half inches in width whenever possible. Although some kitchen cabinet layouts are a little tighter than others, we have consistently tried to design the openings for the largest sized refrigerator unless the customer advised otherwise.
It is important to install your kitchen cabinets with great consideration to the appliance areas sizes. In many of the articles on this site we have suggested that you make sure that the refrigerator, range and dishwasher areas will work with the kitchen cupboard design before screwing anything fast to the wall. Proper planning and layout of these areas is crucial to the success of any kitchen installation.
If at all possible, always start installing the upper cabinets where the refrigerator opening is located. This way you can be assured that the appliance will fit properly. If you start at the other end of the cupboard-run, you may just loose some space as you work your way toward the refrigerator. It would be very disappointing if by the time you got to where the appliance was the opening was too small.
Even if you measure the wall and compare things to the cabinet installation plan the cabinets may grow as you attach them together. Cabinet dimensional-growth occurs for several different reasons. If each cupboard is a sixteenth over sized by the time you put six cabinets together you have gained three eights of an inch. Even if they were one thirty second of an inch too large that would cause you to loose three sixteenths of an inch.
Read the manufactures installation instructions to get the suggested space for the refrigerator opening. Always start installing the kitchen cupboards where the refrigerator is going to be if at all possible. Remember the center of the range is a very important factor to be considered too.
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