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Bedroom Closet Organizers

April 11th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

I discovered many ideas for bedroom custom cabinet closet organizers as I was looking online. Being a professional manufacture of kitchen cabinetry, it was instantly apparent that these modular organizing storage systems are very popular. What really caught my attention is that many of these closet cabinet supply companies offer design programs so that the do it yourself closet system is easily sold to anyone looking to organize their bedroom storage space themselves. I also discovered that many companies offer free shipping. Although these companies present the assembly and installation of their products as an easy thing to do, I would offer a word of caution. If I were you, I’d consider hiring a professional cabinet installer to complete the installation. Especially if your plans are for purchasing high-in modular units. Installing closets yourself may be a much bigger task than you can imagine.

Bedroom Closet Organizer Installation Tips

Many of the bedroom organizers for the closet require assembly. These pre cut parts, designed for organizing your shoes and clothes, will arrive in a box with a pile of different fasteners. The assembly and installation can be a big project if your not used to working with cabinetry, ready to assemble (RTA) parts. If you have ordered several drawers, to accompany the closet design, the labor will be intensive. Not only will you have to assemble the drawers but you will have to make specific adjustments to them once the organizer is installed in order for the modular units to function properly. When mounting the closet cabinets parts on the wall it is going to be extremely important that all of the parts are installed plumb, level and square, especially if you have a lot of drawers in the walk-in closet. The average do it yourself person doesn’t think about walls being out of plumb or having humps in them. Humps inside bedroom closets can be a common occurrence and a huge pain in the neck if your not used to dealing with them on a regular basis. Think about it, if you were a carpenter framing a closet isn’t that where you would use the 2 x 4’s that were not straight? The easiest way to check to see if you’re going to have any trouble with the walls is to use a four or six foot level and check them to see if the walls where the custom closet organizers will be installed are flat, plumb and level. It may not be necessary for the corners where the custom closet systems are to be installed to be square. One big advantage to the way most closet companies, who supply ready to assemble parts, fabricate their parts is that they are designed to not be installed on the floor. This basically means that if the floor is not level it won’t affect the installation of your bedroom closet organizer. If your concerned about the organizers sides being tight to the walls you may need to do some cutting or scribing to fit.

Bedroom Closet Systems Design Ideas

Above all there is one bedroom closet design idea that I would like to bring your attention. Many of the woman that I have worked with through the years, in the process of designing cabinets, have made it very clear that they like to have lots of drawers. This applies to whether your designing a kitchen, bathroom or high-end custom closet system out of real wood or Formica. When you have a lot of drawers, one thing that you need to be aware of is that you will loose a certain amount of storage space because every drawer requires that you lose about 3 inches in width. This is due to the thickness of the drawer sides and slides. Custom closets with many drawers have a rich appearance, especially if the organizer system is fabricated of real wood. Keep in mind the more drawers that are installed the less of a discount the final cost will reflect.

The bigger the walk-in closet is the darker the wood could be. If your working in a small area the colors should be light shades. Dark wood cabinet closet organizers have a tendency to make the rooms look smaller, especially when they are installed from the floor to the ceiling. Remember when you are shopping for these storage systems cheep closet organizers are not always the best rout to take. The old cliché stands true, “you get what you pay for.”

When you are remodeling or building a house from scratch remember that custom bedroom closet systems are an added luxury. Organizers can be installed any time at a later date just keep your design ideas in a safe place in case you decide to not carry through with the purchase and installation of a closet system in the future. These custom organizers look great but they also come with a considerable price tag attached to them. Every additional item such as shoe racks, pull out baskets and tie organizers will be an additional expense to consider.

Categories: Closet Organizers
  1. Jib Edwards
    April 22nd, 2009 at 14:03 | #1

    I have a question about finding parts for a closet that we built 5 years ago


  2. admin
    April 22nd, 2009 at 15:59 | #2

    OK, we’re listening Jib

  3. March 5th, 2010 at 11:29 | #3

    All of us have different ways of organizing so make your system unique to you. This will help you stick with returning items to their proper location in the closet.

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