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Kitchen Wall Cabinet Desk Organizers

January 13th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments


Installing desk organizational storage spaces in the kitchen wall cabinet design can look bad. Organizers are a great thing to have in this area of your home, but from a design perspective, they can look cluttered and rather junky. In this article, I will offer a couple of alternative designs for the desk area in your kitchen cupboard’s design.

The first rule of thumb I like to live by is put as many things behind door as possible. Let’s face it the kitchen area is not really where you are going to be doing a lot of desk work, No, this is where you prepare your meals and have dinner. So, why would anyone want to have an open letter organizer in the design of their kitchen wall cabinetry? In my opinion the idea of having such a thing just breads clutter that is not pleasing to the eyes. Not only that, but the open upper cabinet desk area can become a dust collector.

Consider placing the organizers behind the cupboard doors. For the little time anyone is going to spend paying bills or making out the grocery list for the week, why shouldn’t the slots be behind the upper cabinet doors? I mean it would be different if this particular area of the kitchen was going to be used eight hours per day. The truth is that it gets minimal use.

Now, having a dedicated office area in the home is a different story. You should have plenty of open cabinet areas where things are easily accessible if you are working at your desk all day long.

So, in my opinion kitchen cabinet desk organizers or open slot areas do not look good in the overall scheme of the wall cupboard design. Instead, consider having the letter storage areas built and then placed behind the doors of the wall cupboards.

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