Before Making Bright Green Kitchen Cabinets
Thinking about making your kitchen cabinets bright lime or florescent green? I would not be considered a kitchen cabinet professional if I did not warn against such a move. In fact many brilliant colored cabinetry styles could be a costly mistake, unless you have money to throw away or to burn. In such cases you should get whatever you desire to have regardless of my opinions.
Here’s the basis for my thoughts along these lines. Fads come and go but neutral colors always remain. This is demonstrated in the time period from the nineteen sixties until present. There were orange and green patterns of Formica that dominated the sixties. Many kitchens were done in lime green and even baby blue tones. Years later, they were torn out with laughter as real wood tones and whites, almonds and off white cupboards replaced them.
Now here we are in the year two thousand and what shocking kitchen, bathroom, and office designs we are seeing. Have you ever watched Nickelodeon? If not this is a kids network on the television. The sets and scenes are dominant with vibrant colors of red, pink, green, purple and blue. What should that tell us in relation to kitchen cabinet designs? If you want your real home to look like a kids playhouse, then decorate your cupboards with wild colors.
You can mix wood tone floors with green cupboards or even add stainless steel appliances to the bright yellow and green cabinets, but they will still look like child’s play. I recently saw a photo image in a book where an expensive granite counter was joined with real hard-wood floors and hi-in stainless appliances, but the cabinets were made out of a florescent yellow-green solid color. Even with the most expensive surroundings, the cupboards still looked tacky.
If you are the type of person who does not have money to waist, consider your kitchen cabinet design choices with great care. Fads come and go, but white and off white styles remain constant in the kitchen cabinet design industry. If you must have brightly colored things in your design, change your thinking and decorate with green canisters, light fixtures, toasters, or picture frames I the kitchen area. While doing so, choose mild, light or neutral colorations for your cabinets. Trust me ten years from now you will be glad that you listened to my advice.
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