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Checkerboard Patterns in The Kitchen

March 17th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Personally I think that checkerboard design patterns don’t belong I the kitchen. None the less, I will discuss popular places where these busy styles are used. Your going to see that the only limitations to using the black and white checks is your own imagination. A word of advice, only use this layout in one area of the kitchen cabinetry or countertop design. You should also consider working with all solid colors in the surrounding areas. Too many checks and your room will look too busy.

Wall Back-splashes- There are a few options here to be considered. The checked layout can vary in coloration and be extended all the way from the countertop to the bottom of the upper-wall cabinetry or small to medium sized areas can be inlay-ed. You can also create the pattern with just one height of tile that rests on top of the counter.

Kitchen Countertop Covered With Tiles-When this is done the sub-top is always made out of a water resistant material. Ply-wood is my recommendation. A real wood edge can be placed on the front of the counter or a roll-over style using tile. Keep in mind that this is going to right in your face when the tile work is completed, very busy indeed.

Draperies or Window Treatments- Checkerboard fabric will set off the look of your window decorations in an instant when the sun shines through. Valances that are installed over the windows can also have the pattern combinations of white-black, red-white, or gray and yellow. As I said, the sky is the limit in relation to the various color combinations that you can select.

On Top of The Kitchen Table-Yes, I have seen kitchen tables that had checkerboard patterns on them. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can always have one custom covered with tile. The best part about this placement of the pattern is that the table can be removed at anytime if you do not like what the checked design looks like in the room.

Floors- My opinion should almost hit home without saying anything, but if you choose to place the checked style design on your kitchen floor, this will be very overbearing. Twelve by twelve or sixteen inches square tiles would be my recommendation if you are thinking of installing this design on the kitchen floor. Any size smaller than that and you will be dizzy every time you walk into the kitchen.

Toe-Kick-Plate-This makes for an interesting accent in the kitchen. Of all the designs I have seen, this is the one I like the most. I think it appeals to me because the pattern is contained in a very small area in proportionate ratio to the rest of the kitchen cabinetry and counter area. It does not dominate the look of the kitchen’s overall design, but rather adds a tasteful accent.

Because the kitchen is such an elegant part of the home, or at least it should be, I personally think that the checkerboard patters are just too much in this room. Unless you are a race care driver or fan of the Nass Car circuit, I would reconsider using the checked style design in the kitchen all together. The truth be told though, it’s your life and your home, decorate it however you choose. Just remember that not everyone is going to like your taste when it comes time to sell the house, you may have difficulty.

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