How to Design Closet Cabinets
There are several places where you can learn how to put together a working design for your new closet that needs some pretty new cabinets. Measuring for them and installing the units may be the most difficult task that you encounter
Follow These Steps
Measure the walls from left to right and the floor to the ceiling in the area of the closet where you want to design the cabinetry for. Obviously, you are going to write these dimensions down on a piece of paper. The best way I have found to do this is to actually draw a rectangle that represents the front view of one wall in the closet. Draw a separate sketch for each wall where there is going to be cabinetry.
Make special notes that indicate where any electrical outlets may be located. It is going to be important when you are designing the closet cabinets that you miss the electrical areas.
Once you have all of the dimensions find an online place that has a computer design center for their particular closet cabinets.
Before you begin to enter any information into the design perimeters, double check all of your dimensions. You cannot afford to make a mistake when you are designing the closet cabinets. Remember that haste makes waist. DO NOT GET IN A HURRY, check and double check everything that you design. If you do this you will not make any mistakes.
The computer system will walk you through the step by step process of designing the closet cabinets that will fit in your room. Usually you will be able to switch out various styles of cupboards. Some can have drawers and others just doors with adjustable shelves. Another design option may have all drawers or no doors or drawers at all, just adjustable shelves.
There are going to be hundreds of combinations that the computer design center can assemble in moments. Clothes rods, shoe racks, places for ties and belts will be all options that can be added to the closet cabinet design that you are creating.
Once you have finished your design, either purchase the cabinets or take screen shots of the photos drawings rendered on the computer screen. The way you take a screen shot of your closet design is by holding down the shift key and press the “prtscn” button on your keyboard. Once you have done that open up your “paint” program and click on “file” at the top of the page, then click on “paste.” Save the images to your computer and them print them out to take with you to a local closet design center in your area.
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