Home > Designing Kitchen Cabinets > How to Decorate Around Plain White Cabinets in the Kitchen

How to Decorate Around Plain White Cabinets in the Kitchen

beautiful cabinets How to Decorate Around  Plain White Cabinets in the Kitchen

Photo From LegendaryCabinetry.com the Arlington Display

This is an absolutely beautiful set of cupboards. The design demonstrates how I would decorate a plain white set of kitchen cabinets. It has a very rich appearance and is tactfully designed.

The light but yet bright coloration of red is just enough of an accent color in this kitchen to add flare and not distract from the beauty of the painted real wood doors.

Balance is one thing that I quickly noticed about this layout. It is so appealing that one almost feels an open invitation to come into the kitchen and visit for a while. This is a great design for hosting parties. All would feel welcome as they entered into this area of the home. Perhaps the layout would even compel the guests to help clean the dishes after dinner.

The solid colors surrounding the cupboards on the walls, in the granite countertop and on the floor make this kitchen design elegant and clean looking. Nothing is overly distracting at first glance.

There’s very little to be called kitchen cabinet clutter in this design. Letting junk pile up in the kitchen area is no way to decorate. Keeping things clean and simple really ads a depth of warmth to this kitchen’s look. By using moderate displays on the countertop and very few open display cabinet areas in the design, the plain white cabinets maintain their beauty.

The combination of knobs/handles on the drawers and doors have a very simplistic touch in the arrangement of things. This too adds to the overall balance of the way the kitchen was decorated. If they had been any larger or more colorful the white cabinets would not be as appealing as they are in the image.

The area on-top of the wall cabinets is nicely decorated with one plant arrangement. I guess the thing I like the uttermost about this kitchen is that everything has a high-end appearance, but nothing is so over done that it distracts from the beauty of the plain white cupboards.

By far, this is one of the most beautiful white kitchens I’ve seen having raised panel doors. I personally think that people get too carried away decorating around a gorgeous set of cupboards. To much stuff can sure make an expensive kitchen look over decorated and tacky. So, when you plan to decorate around your plain white set of cabinets, consider keeping things as simple as possible, but yet glamorously elegant as well.

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  1. Priscilla
    April 11th, 2010 at 17:41 | #1

    will sponge painting make a room look smaller? I painted my room a beautiful blue , could I sponge paint it with a antique white?

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    April 11th, 2010 at 17:43 | #2

    can I use antique white over a base blue?

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