Removing Cabinet Doors With Clip Hinges
This video demonstrates how Blum cabinet door clip hinges operate. When removing cupboard doors, most people are not aware of the simplicity of this system. Toward the back of the mechanism there’s a small metal tab that needs to be lifted in order for it to release from the plate. It takes less than five seconds to release one and to snap it back into position.
I’ll admit, it is a little tougher than the demonstration to get it to snap into place. If the plate is not at a perfect ninety degree angle and the hinge is, it hard to get the two to match properly. Usually, you have to push up or down on the hinge to get it to clip properly.
Just about all cabinet hinge manufactures make this style European hinge.
If you are having custom cabinets made, ask your fabricator if your hinges will operate like these. If not, see how much extra they would cost. Many years from now, you may decide to remodel the cupboards. When you do the doors will be easy to remove.
Advantage of Clip Hinges
Two distinct advantage come to mind about using this style hinge.
- If you have Thermofoil cabinet doors, you can remove the ones next to the oven when the self cleaning operation is on. This will protect them from getting heat damage and should be standard practice when caring for Thermofoil cabinet doors.
- If you want to do any deep cleaning or plumbing work, these hinges make it easier to accomplish the tasks. Just pop the cupboard doors off and snap them back into place when you are finished.
Do the hinges get out of adjustment when you take them off?
The doors will go exactly back into the original position that they were in prior to taking them off.
Anytime that you are removing a cabinet door always check to see if it has clip cabinet door hinges.
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