Home > Installation Tips > Never Direct Wire an Over the Range Microwave

Never Direct Wire an Over the Range Microwave

On a couple of occasions customers have asked: “can I direct wire the microwave.” I can’t remember what the cabinet installation situation was that caused them to ask but one time the question warranted a call to the appliance manufacture to get an answer to the question.

The answer that the company gave me was no. When I asked them why, they then said that you can connect it without installing an electrical outlet but the warranty will not be any good, null and void.

I have since used their answer in various situations where common sense needs to be applied in relation to electrical appliances.

Any time that I have a cabinet customer that tells me they are going to install their own under the cabinet, over the range microwave; I always tell them that they must wire an electrical outlet in the cabinet for it to plug into.

I then tell them that if the direct wire the appliance that the manufacture’s guarantee will be void.

Categories: Installation Tips
  1. Nicole
    November 25th, 2009 at 23:09 | #1

    We have just recently bought a house with a hard wired in hood fan. We wanted to replace it with an OTR microwave oven. The microwave oven needs a 15A or 20A cc’t. Is this alot of work to put a plug in the top of the cabinets above. Also what is a reasonable cost for the work.


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