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Home Depot Cabinet Refacing-Imagining the Complaints

August 30th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

Ever since the Home Depot came on the scene in the kitchen cabinet market, there have been many complaints in my small circle of customers and friends. Now they are refacing kitchen cabinets. In my opinion, we will be encountering disastrous stories surrounding customer complaints. This is shocking news to me. Imagining all of the mistakes that have been made in relation to their history of supplying and installing new cabinetry just boggles my mind.

Please review this article-About Resurfacing Cabinets
in order to gain more insight into the process of refacing cabinets. I think you will agree that you are going to need a company that specializes in this type of cabinetry work.

The fine art of resurfacing cabinets takes extreme attention to minor details. As this new venture that they have stepped into progresses, I am looking forward to hearing many complaints and reading reviews of how messed up the refacing projects turned out.

Ev every piece of plastic laminate (or “Formica”) on the cabinets or counter top has to be precisely fitted on the job. This type of craftsmanship leaves no margin for errors from the time the job is field measured until it is completed. Nothing can be overlooked.

I only say this from the voice of experience. I personally have recovered many kitchens, bathroom vanities and office cabinetry. Individually taking a cabinet reface job and seeing it to completion is a major task. I cannot imagine what recovering cabinets is like when there are so many hands in the project with a company such as Home Depot.

Here’s a suggestion worth considering. Save yourself a lot of headaches (or, “problems”) and seek out a cabinet company that specializes in cabinet refacing.

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Categories: Cabinet Resurfacing
  1. September 1st, 2009 at 03:20 | #1

    We’ve also heard a number of complaints about the home center chains. We have a great deal of information about kitchen cabinet refacing on our website…


    We also have a blog where readers can ask questions and share recipes, household hints, family fun activities or kitchen memories..


    We invite all to visit.

  2. admin
    April 15th, 2010 at 07:13 | #2

    Ed, thanks for sharing. Having cabinets recovered with plastic laminate requires very tedious work on the laminate installers part. I think there are just too many hands in the pot when working with large service centers such as Home Depot or Lowe’s.

  3. Michelle
    May 10th, 2011 at 08:28 | #3

    I made an appointment a week ago for Home Depot to come to my house to give me ideas on refinishing/updating the kitchen. Based on this appointment, I rescheduled my entire work week to accommodate this meeting. 10 minutes prior to the meeting, Home Depot in Florida (I live in Illinois) called and left a message stating no one would be coming. I called them back and explained the situation and they transferred me to their manager who said, “It looks like we didn’t confirm with you yesterday and we always have to confirm before appointments.” I informed her that was not fault and I needed someone to come anytime today and she said no one was available. I told her to take me off their lists and I would not be doing business with home depot and she said “Ok, have a nice day.” RIDICULOUS. NEVER am I shopping at Home Depot again.

  4. admin
    May 10th, 2011 at 15:24 | #4

    Michelle, thanks for sharing with us. Many years ago, when I started my first cabinet company, my wife at the time coined the phrase “a personal approach to all of your cabinetry needs.” We printed it on our business cards and letterheads. When I would meet with customers, I explained to them that I was the only person that they would be dealing with in relation to their cabinet project.

    That is the beauty of dealing with the little guys, you don’t get lost in the mix of people.

    Here’s a good article with information about getting cabinets resurfaced.

  5. al house
    June 5th, 2011 at 19:10 | #5

    Home Depots Cabinet Refacing is highly overpriced. It is a fact that in many, many cases you can replace your exact cabinet set with new LIFETIME WARRANTY KraftMaid semi-custom cabinets PLUS a new counter top for LESS, that’s right, LESS than what HD charges for refacing, including the tear out and re-installation. Check it out for yourself. Plus, the countertop prices offered by the refacing salespeople are approximately DOUBLE what is offered in the HD store. See for yourself.

  6. admin
    June 11th, 2011 at 08:03 | #6

    Thanks AL, I totally agree that it is important to shop and compare the cost of resurfacing-vrs-replacing cabinets.

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