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How to Kill Mildew Around Cabinets

March 13th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

It’s black, ugly, smelly and deadly and must be removed. How do you kill molding areas or mildew that is growing around your cabinets? Usually this only discovered once the cupboards are removed. Although, the smell of such growth is usually overbearing in the atmosphere of your kitchen or bathroom vanity area, the visual evidence can’t always be seen.

This is why things must be removed in order to investigate further. I cannot possibly offer advice on how to remove large amounts of mildew that have grown due to water damage occurring with you cupboards. You will have to hire a professional mold and mildew removal company for that task. I can offer a good chemical substance though for small amounts that have begun to accumulate. The good news is that you may already have this in your home.

You may be looking for a magical solution, but the answer to your problem can be discovered in mixing a little water with a small portion of Clorox Bleach. For years this substance has been used for killing mold and algae growth. The base of this household cleaner, “chlorine” has been the standard chemical for killing algae growth in pools and works just fine for household attacks of mold and mildew.

If you only had a small amount of water that seeped through the cracks of your cupboards, you can drill holes in the toe bases and blast the mold killer into the holes. This is an alternative to removing all of the cabinets that were affected by the flood. If you do this you will obviously need to get the area re-laminated with whatever material your kitchen or bathroom vanity cabinets are made out of. I is a great cabinet mold removal method.

If your cabinet area had a lot of water damage occur then you will have no other choice than to remove them all and dry our all of the drywall behind the cabinets. Oftentimes these wall-areas will need to be replaced, rather than try to kill the mold on the outer surface.

Mold has a way of finding it’s best growth as far back as possible form where the original water damage occurred. The best way to kill or get rid of mildew in cabinet areas is to hire a professional. There is a great chance that your home-owners insurance company will help you take care of the health hazard.

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