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Retro Kitchen Cabinetry Design Idea

March 16th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

If you are looking for a good retro design idea for your kitchen cabinetry area try this suggestion. It may cost a few dollars, but its a good way to spice up your cabinet design.
As always, I suggest that the cupboards remain in an neutral color. This is because when cabinets get old they are so expensive to remodel or even replace. For now I’d recommend just using gloss white cabinets with this design. The result will actually be two fold. You’re going to have a contemporary look with the cupboards which will blend well with the flooring. The combination fo the two will give your kitchen area that retro look and feel.

For the countertop go with a matte white finish and make sure that it is Formica as well. Because plastic laminate was becoming popular during the sixties this will add to the retro design. For the edge of the to a brushed aluminum edge makes a nice addition to the style.

Don’t laugh, because this suggestion fro the flooring will blow you away. Find a linoleum that is a high gloss red. With the combination of the Formica cabinets and the red linoleum you will be taken back many years.

For countertop decorations find old blender styles and toasters that look retro. This will greatly enhance the experience of the older look.

For the window treatments, make sure that you install vertical blinds. These were very popular during the nineteen sixties.

Handles for the cupboards should be taken from the nineteen sixties styles. At that time one of the most popular styles was a chrome that was shaped like a half moon. The handles were about three quarters of an inch in width and had horizontal ridges running through them.

Kitchen tables during this era were made with chrome metal chairs and table legs. The seat backs were made out of vinyl. Go ahead and explore the possibility if having yellow seat cushions on the chairs.

The toe kick plates should be black. That was the most popular color during the fifties and sixties.

Design ideas can be found all over the Internet for kitchen cabinets. There are even websites that specialize in supply retro cabinet parts and appliances. If you have thew money to spend and the time to research your options the design possibilities for a retro kitchen are limitless.

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