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How To Make Magnetic Backsplashes

Magnet Kitchen BacksplashBelow is an excellent video reviewing the use of magnetic paint. It’s possible to use this paint on kitchen backsplashes. You have two options, you can use metal Formica or metallic paint. Formica can be used like a dry erase board.

For the purpose of this instructional, a kitchen wall laminate installer cuts and fits separate boards around the cabinets. He then laminates them with metallic laminate by applying contact adhesive to both materials. The magnetic wall-splashes are then installed using Liquid Nails construction adhesive.

You can also contact glue metallic laminate directly onto drywall. This is a great way to create your magnetic backsplash if the wall is free of humps. A matte finish will be better than having a high gloss. The brighter polished finishes will show more imperfections on the walls.

The other option for making your walls into magnetic backsplashes is to use a specially formulated magnet paint that has metal flecks in it. This is going to be a very economical alternative to using metal Formica. They laminate sheets are going to look more high-end, but you will have to pay some serious bucks to have them made.

How expensive are metal sheets of laminate?

Let’s just say, you’re purchasing the Porsche or Lamborghini of the laminate world. Plan on spending more than a hundred dollars for thirty two square feet (4′ x 8′ sheet) of material for your wall splash-backs.

Once you have the metal wall splashes installed, you can be creative. Take photographs to your local office supply store and have them coated with plastic. Purchase some thin magnetic sheets and contact glue the images to the magnet sheeting.

Stick magnetic utensil hooks to the back-splashes and hang your kitchen ladles, large forks and spoons from them. Recipe clips work like a dream on the solid metal Formica.

If you decide to use metal paint, consider covering over it with chalkboard paint. Now that’s a creative idea. You could have the best of both worlds on your magnetic kitchen backsplashes.

Categories: Backsplashes
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