Countertops Made Out Of Glass
Did you know that countertops for your kitchen or bathroom can be fabricated out of glass? This material is as durable as marble, is stain proof, resists scratches and can be made with a textured surface. Custom edges and color patterns can be incorporated into your order. Glass is heat resistant and if you order it textured, fingerprints are difficult to see.
Watch This Video From Think Glass
Check out these facts:
- Fashionably different than any other countertop selection on the market
- Fully recyclable material
- Maintenance free
- Non-porous
- Impossible to stain
- Fits perfectly into green activists demands
- Creative lighting can enhance the elegance of the clear glass
Are you a contractor that enters home parades where builders compete? Would you like to be voted the number one builder in your community? If you are looking for a real high-end alternative to outperform your competitors, try ordering your custom made countertops from a glass manufacture.
After doing a review, I think you will be stunned by the endless selections for edge styles, textures and colorful designs you will have to choose from. One of these tops could set you miles apart from the competition.
There’s a company called Think Glass. Actually, the photos here and video in this glass countertops review are promotional items from their company. The company uses electric ovens that have been custom designed for fabricating glass kitchen or bathroom counters.
Millions of pounds of glass get recycled every year by individual glass countertop manufactures. That’s tons of waste that didn’t get wasted. Go green by choosing to build your kitchen and bathroom countertops with glass.
During the production process of the counters, there are no dangerous chemicals or ingredients used that can harm the environment.
If you are a green building contractor, one of the facts the narrator of the video points out is that you can get ten points per home by selecting to use glass countertops.
We didn’t find any facts about how much glass kitchen tops cost. You will need to get reviews on this matter from the sales representatives you get quotes from.
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