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How To Install Integrated Sinks For Laminate Countertops

March 17th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments
Image of Wilsonart Integrated Sink For Laminate Tops

Image From http://wilsonart.com

Video Further Down The Page

Now you can get an integral look with your kitchen sink using plastic laminate countertops. Wilsonart offers a series of integrated sinks in various styles and different sizes. They are available in solid colors of pure white or ivory. Some are designed for kitchen areas and others will work with bathroom vanity laminate countertops.

The product is made out of one hundred percent (100%) acrylic material. The color is solid all the way through the sink. This basically means that the satin finish can be scrubbed with a Scotch Brite pad if a horrible stain accidentally gets in the finish. The installation videos I watched actually show the material being sanded with a vibrating sander.

Wilsonart Plastic Laminate Sink Sizes

Rectangular Models

  • HD 525 -This selection has a small basin on the left and the over all size is 33″ x 21″
  • HD 520-The reverse of the 525 having the small bowl on the right, overall 33″ x 21″
  • HD510-Double bowl 33″ x 21″
  • HD 500-Single 24-1/4″ x 21″
  • HD535-Sinlge 22-1/4″ x 15-3/4″

Oval Shaped For Bathroom Vanity Tops

  • HD 530 Oval shaped 20-1/2″ x 17-1/2″

There are three different installation methods. The first one can be viewed in the video below. To reference the clips on Youtube, the methods are called post-form, spray and the filler method. These are excellent clips for the person making countertops. Once the sinks are installed they are completely seamless.

Tools Required For Installing The Sinks

  1. Drill
  2. Highspeed Routers
  3. Special Router Bits
  4. Templates
  5. Chisels
  6. Various Grits of Sandpaper
  7. Belt Sander
  8. Vibrating Sander

Video For Installing Integrated Sinks With Formica Laminate

The integrated sinks for kitchen or bathroom vanity plastic laminate counter tops from Wilsonart are easy to take care of. They are fabricated out of a 100% acrylic substance that has the color running all the way through the sink.

Wiksonart.com Intergrated Sink Options

It is recommend to clean the sinks with a mild soap and water solution. To remove tough stains a Scotch Brite pad can be used. Any powdered cleanser such as Comet, Ajax or soft scrub will work wonders on dirty areas.

The company has a warranty that can be viewed in this PDF. Your product is warranted for a ten year period, but you must be the original purchaser to benefit from any warranty claims. There are only a handful of exclusions such as damage due to acts of nature, excessive weight in the sink or failure to care for the sink as recommend by the company.

You will find that the integrated sinks can be used with Formica Brand, Pionite, Nevamar and all brands of high-pressure plastic countertop laminates. The integral sinks for laminate tops come equipped with the proper adhesive that needs to be used during the installation process.

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