Home > Designing Kitchen Cabinets > Too Many Colors Kitchen Cabinet Design

Too Many Colors Kitchen Cabinet Design

January 6th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

While looking at kitchen cabinet photos, I noticed many cupboards that had too many colors. For many years I have always told my kitchen cabinet customers that they should stick with neutral colors with the cupboard’s designs and then accent with colorful things like flowers, canisters and baskets in the surrounding areas.

When a collage of bright colors is spread throughout the cabinetry doors, kitchen walls and floors, the room begins to look a lot like a child’s play room. This design mistake basically applies to many areas of our homes and even business lives. Even website designers know that they should stick with neutral colorations and only use bright colors to accent areas where they want their reader’s attention to be drawn to.

So avoid using too many bright or brilliant colors if you are designing a new set of kitchen cabinets or if you are remodeling an older style kitchen.

The kitchen cabinet image that really caused me to start thinking about this subject actually had super-bright canary yellow upper cabinets mixed with brilliant solid red base cupboard doors. Even the handles on the upper cabinets were a different type of metal than what was on the lowers. Here’s the kicker, the walls, between the wall cabinetry and the countertops had a vertical wood grain pattern laminate on them that was done in a natural maple color. The counter was jet black granite and the appliances were stainless steel. I did catch a small glimpse of the floor too. It was done in a natural finished wood that had drastic color variations as well.

In the end, it will be much easier to sell a home that has neutral colored cabinetry than it will if your cupboards are splashed with colors of red, yellow, blue and green. Trust me on this; you really don’t want your kitchen to look like something right out of a child’s coloring book or even an attraction at Disney World. Use drastic differences in hues sparingly. It’s much easier and less expensive to switch out a vase, basket or brightly colored canister in the kitchen than it is to replace cabinet doors and resurface kitchen cabinetry.

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