Home > Designing Kitchen Cabinets > Dishwasher Cabinet Sides Should be Finished

Dishwasher Cabinet Sides Should be Finished

January 25th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

When the dishwasher door is opened the cabinet sides will be seen. The sides of the cupboards should be finished. If your cabinet company did not take the time to fill this area in with a material that is pleasing to the eyes, I would suggest getting them to come back and finish the job properly.

Manufactures try to cut corners by not putting some sort of finished material in this area. It’s totally unacceptable to have any form of raw- wood showing. Because the kitchen is the most used area of the home this standard must be enforced. How embarrassing it would be to have company over for dinner to see your brand new kitchen cabinets and then when they offer to help clean-up the dishes the exposed raw wood gets seen by your guests.

Purchasing a new-kitchen is an expensive venture in this day and age in which we live in. No matter how cheap your cabinets were they should still have the cabinet sides finished with plastic laminate or stained and top-coated like the visibly-exposed areas of your cabinetry.

The same holds true for the areas on either side of the range too. Because the cupboard sides are seen when the door is opened, the cabinet sides should always be covered with a nice looking material in this area as well.

The cabinets should always be finished next to the range and next to the dishwasher. There are no exceptions to this kitchen cupboard design rule.

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