Home > Upper Wall Cabinetry > Installation Height of Kitchen Upper Wall Cabinets

Installation Height of Kitchen Upper Wall Cabinets

January 26th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Usually the installation height of wall cabinets in the kitchen is determined by the bottom of the upper cabinets. The top-section over the wall cabinets usually gets filled in to the ceiling with either a starter strip or decorative crown molding. In many cases the space over the cupboards is left open if the distance is at least twelve inches.

The standard height for the installation of upper wall cabinets in the kitchen is fifty four inches from the finished floor. If you install the wall cabinets before the floor gets installed and the flooring is going to be three quarters of an inch thick, then you should install the upper cabinet at fifty four and three

The calculation works like this: Deduct the height of the countertop which is thirty six inches from fifty four and the remainder is eighteen inches. This is the standard space that should be in-between the top of the kitchen countertop and the bottom of the wall cabinetry.

  • Tip: The upper cabinets always get installed first. This ensures that there is no possibility of damaging anything underneath during the installation process.

Measure from the floor up and put a small pencil line where you want the wall cabinetry to be installed. Draw a light colored pencil line on the wall using the level as a guide. Make sure that this line is perfectly level. You cannot afford to miss the mark when you hang your wall cabinetry. If the cupboards get installed out of level you will have all sorts of difficulties.

The installation of the upper cabinets should be set at this height (18” clear between counter and upper bottom) because it allows for enough room for small appliances to be used and stored on the countertop’s surface. Avoid installing the kitchen wall cupboards any lower or higher. If you need to spend additional money on crown molding or purchasing taller wall cabinets so that the cupboards go tight to the ceiling, do so. You can usually sacrifice an inch in either direction but when the measurements go beyond that serious consideration should be taken in making then necessary adjustments.

Categories: Upper Wall Cabinetry
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