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Benefits to Getting Custom Office Cabinets

November 22nd, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Office Cabinet DesignFor several years I designed, built and installed custom office areas using European style cabinets. Although having cupboards manufactured to your specifications could cost more than buying them from a store, you will get exactly what you need. There are many benefits to avoiding prefab cabinets in this area of your home or business.

For instance, if you have a particular layout in mind that will make a small room more functional, the chances are good that you cannot design the area with cabinets from Home Depot, Office Max or Staples. Small spaces require ultra custom cabinet designs in order to utilize the office area the most efficiently.

There are two things you will have control over:

Cupboard Heights and Depths
If you are short, no offense, you will need to have your countertop at a reasonable height and the same applies for if you are taller than normal. Tall, store-bought cabinets may be able to be cut-down, but it’s very difficult to make them higher. Remember that the more alterations you have to do to make them work the more expensive they become. Good cabinet installers are NOT cheap.

The depth of the countertops is oftentimes a very critical factor in office cupboard design. Custom manufactures can fabricate deeper and shallower units other than the standard depths of twenty one and thirty inches.

File Drawers
The problem with store bought office cupboards is that you don’t have any control over where the file cabinet parts will be located in the room. What you see is what you get. Oftentimes you cannot get legal sized file storage areas either. Most all of them are designed for the letter-size file folders. I have also seen situations where the hanging file drawer rails are installed incorrectly and the folder tabs hit the other cabinet members. In most cases this is NOT correctable.

The other thing about them is the drawer slides are oftentimes NOT full-extension. There are two major concerns I have with this type of design. 1) It’s difficult to get things out of the file drawers. 2) The regular runners are not designed to carry the weight of all the papers.

There are many other reasons to get your office cabinetry custom made. Most manufactures will give free estimates. If you use your office space a lot in your home, then it’s a good idea to fix things up exactly how you want them. Since it won’t cost a dime to have a professional look at the area, go ahead and give a cabinet manufacture a call.

You can order the exact color Formica cupboards or real wood and countertops you want. You will be able to install quality locks on doors and drawers, and have computer areas mapped out exactly to your specifications. Hole sockets can be placed in counters in perfect positions. Wires from the computer tower, speakers, printer, monitor and mouse can be hidden.

If there are several people working in a small area in the office, a good cabinet maker can design something that will be the most beneficial for your situation. Store bought cabinets may work fine in a larger office layout, but when you are working in a small area, you will most definitely need custom office cabinets.

Categories: Business Planning
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