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How To Make A Kitchen More Functional

March 17th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

I went overboard the other day after watching a Youtube video about organizing your kitchen. So inspired, within twenty minutes I had made my kitchen more functional by rearranging almost everything. Now, I’d like to share how you can make the most used room in your home more efficient through organization.

I started by taking a good look at all of the things I had out on the kitchen countertop. I decide to find new locations for things that were easy to access if I needed them and weren’t being used on a daily basis.

The first thing to go was the George Foreman Grill. Even though I am a single guy, I rarely use this handy grill for cooking anything. So, in the pantry it went.

The kitchen is the first room I enter when I come into the house. My countertops catch all of the clutter. Junk mail and small items I’d like to keep, but am not sure where to put them start to pile up quickly.

My next approach to making the kitchen more functional was to find a different place for the pile of mail that had accumulated. Along with designating a different area for the mail, I also made a commitment to not return to this poor organizational hazard ever again. Now that’s two huge improvements to the way things look already.

I don’t have an automatic dishwasher, nor do I need one. After cooking for myself, it takes very little time to do the dishes.

As I was looking at the sink area, I decided to try and survive without the plastic coated wire dish drain that was taking up a two foot by two foot area on the kitchen countertop. You know, I removed it, tucked it away and I have not missed that ugly thing one bit.

I have a double bowl sink. Now, I make sure that I immediately do the dishes after eating. The small amount generally consists of a plate, bowl, cup, two pots and a few utensils. It’s easy to fit them in one side of the sink blow to drip-dry.

Finding a place for the coffee container that I usually place on top of the refrigerator was easy, I just put it under the sink. It literally takes about five seconds to get it out and to put int back when I am finished. Oh, while I was making the kitchen more functional in this area, I decided to clean off the top of the refrigerator too. Everything was taken off and purposely placed somewhere else.

With a little creativity, you can transform your kitchen rather quickly into a more functional and aesthetically pleasing area.

Here are a few suggested ways to get more organized in the kitchen:

  1. Install an adjustable cutlery drawer insert
  2. Install Roll-out drawers
  3. Get a paper towel holder you can fasten under the cabinet
  4. Attach a grocery bag holder to the back of your kitchen cabinet door
  5. Organize your junk drawer with small baskets
  6. Consider adding a pull-out trash can inside your cupboard
  7. Find pot lid holders
  8. Purchase a carousel that has Tupperware perfectly organized already
  9. Research different kinds of kitchen cabinet lazy susans
  10. Get the hand dish washing liquid off of the sink and under the sink

For more ideas go here: Accessories For Organizing Kitchen Cabinets

Professional home organizers always suggest that you start rearranging the items on countertops or in cabinets by removing things first. Once you have an area completely cleaned off or out, start deciding what to throw away and what to keep. Once you get things narrowed down, use your creative thinking to make your kitchen a much more pleasing and functional place for the entire family.

Finally, take yourself out for dinner when you are finished. When you come home you can enjoy the beauty and functionality of your creative master piece, your perfectly organized and fully functional kitchen.

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  1. April 20th, 2011 at 18:04 | #1

    Interesting… I’m getting ready to pour a cement countertop when my wife takes off in May for a bit (it’s secret, so mum’s the word) and am adding a couple of cabinets in the process. I’ll probably watch this again when I get stuff all back together.

    One thing i noticed was a lack of good ideas for cast iron cookware. I inherited a bunch when my mother in law got a new range (the glass kind where you’re not supposed to use cast iron) and while it stack all right, I wonder if there’s a better idea.

    One other thing I wondered about was whether or not the knife magnets are any more apt to dull the knives as you stick them to it and take them off.

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