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Low Priced, Cheap Kitchen Cabinets

February 1st, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

After being in the business of manufacturing cabinetry for some time it still amazes me how many people are looking for cheap (or, “low priced”) kitchen cabinets from a custom manufacture. Somehow in customers minds, they think the cupboards might be cheaper if they get a professional craftsman to custom fit everything perfectly to their every request. Let’s face it, buying cabinets from large service centers is going to be a much more economical way to go than having a custom kitchen built. To understand this concept we have to think about the words “mass production” and “volume.” Obviously, if you’re looking for custom cabinetry, then you cannot compare prices to what you saw in Home Depot, Lowes or some other large home center, where the prices are based upon large volumes of kitchen cabinets that are mass produced.

So here’s the deal, don’t go visit a custom cupboard manufacture expecting large home improvement center prices. The idea that you’re going to get cheap kitchen cabinetry, having high quality craftsmanship, just doesn’t even make sense.

I wish I had a dollar for every estimate that I have assembled for customers who came to me looking for reasonably priced kitchen cabinets and then ended up buying something from a large home service center. I would like to have a dollar for every customer that met with me just to glean pantry cabinet design ideas, base layouts and wall cabinet advice from a custom cabinetry professional so they could go get their kitchen from Home Depot, using a professionals design ideas.

If you would like to read a more in-depth view on the subject of cheap cabinets, check out this article entitled, Custom Cabinets or Prefabricated Cabinetry. By reading it, I think you will begin to understand a little more about the pros and cons of purchasing reasonably priced kitchens from large service centers providing low priced cabinetry.

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