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List Of Cabinet Installation Tools

I’ve been in the kitchen and bathroom manufacturing business for many decades. I have installed thousands of cabinets. There are certain tools that I use repeatedly every time I am installing a set of cupboards. In this article, I will list the tools needed to complete the task at hand in a professional manner. As we look at these necessities, I will explain what the functions are that each one is needed for.

Level-Prior to fastening anything to the walls, ceiling or floors, you are going to need to check to see how level all of the surfaces are that you will be installing the cabinets against. Every time you are positioning a cupboard or a respective part, you will use this tool for leveling the cabinets.

Square- You will need to check all of the corners to make sure they are square prior to installing anything, During the installation process this tool will be used to check the positioning of the cabinets, You will also use this tool if you are cutting a hole for a sink in a countertop. Just about anything you cut with a skill saw will need to be marked with a square.

Cabinets Clamped Together

Skill Saw-This tool will serve many functions during the cabinet installation process, You will cut sink holes in tops, large pieces of plywood and scribe cabinet parts with your skill saw.

Saber Saw-This cabinet installation tool will have multiple uses. Any cabinet part that needs to be cut on a not so straight line, the jig saw will be used for accomplish the task. If you were wondering how to cut out for an electrical outlet to be installed in a cabinet, the jig saw will be used.

Electric Drill-I like using a power drill rather than a cordless one. Which ever one you have will work fine. You will use this for drilling all of the holes for the cabinet installation screws to go through. You are going to need to cutout for the plumbing pipes in the sink cabinet. A hole saw set will be needed to cut the large holes for the PVC pipes. All of the fasteners will be installed using this tool. When you are locating wall studs to install the cabinets to drilling holes in the drywall works efficiently for finding studs.

Drill Accessories

  • Three sixteenths inch drill bit
  • Eight inch drill bit
  • Hole saw set
  • Square driver bits
  • Phillips head bits
  • Counter sink
  • One and a half inch butterfly bit
  • One inch butterfly bit

Cabinet Installation Clamps-Once you get your first base or upper cabinet installed, the boxes that follow will be clamped and then attached to the other cabinets with screws, Most kitchen cabinet installers have multiple uses for clamps. If you are installing your own countertops, it’s a good idea to clamp them to the cabinets prior to securing them with screws. This will keep the tops from moving while the screws are being driven into position,

Table Saw-You will need to cut a lot of small parts to the correct size. Most companies supply oversize boards that need to be cut to custom sizes prior to installing fillers on the cabinets. The toe kick boards always need to be altered. You will be installing ceiling starter strips for the cabinets to butt against. When you are scribing wall fillers for cabinets, the skill saw can be a handy power tool to have if the cuts are angled to accommodate out of plum walls.

Belt Sander-This is one of the most important tools you can have when installing cabinets. There are many dangers associated with using belt sanders, be careful. It is used for fine tuning cabinet parts to fit perfectly against crooked walls, floors, ceilings and floors. When you are scribing cabinets to out of level floors, ceilings or walls that are not straight, the belt sander is needed for installing cabinets accurately.

Extension Cords-You will need at least two different extension cords, One should be set up with a gang plug where the table saw is. The other one will be used in the area where you will be installing the cabinets.

Small Hand Tools Needed For Installing Cabinets

  • Razor Knife
  • Hammer
  • Phillips Screwdriver
  • Straight/Flathead Screwdriver
  • Putty Knife
  • Speed Square
  • Diagonal Cutters
  • Hole Punch/Carpenters Nail Set

There are a few other items that you will need that do not fall under the tools list.

If you do not have all of the tools needed for installing your kitchen, laundry or bathroom cabinets, consider hiring a professional installer. You cannot install cabinets with only a drill and a skill saw and have them turn out looking good. This is not the type of job where you want to cut corners and save a few dollars; if you do not have the correct equipment to get the job done right-don’t do it yourself! One last thing, don’t forget that you will need to have a ladder.

Categories: Installation Tips
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